Tips to remember while purchasing Semi-Precious Stones

Despite the precious gems that are increasingly famous, the semi-precious stones are attractive and beautiful. These are accessible in various cuts and colors plus they can be employed to embellish everything varying from clothing to pendants and rings. But, if you’ve never bought semi-precious stones before, then it is very important for you to develop an idea of purchasing. You should remember the important things to seek and have an idea of the financial worth of the stone before buying a gemstone.

1. Estimation Of The Gemstones:

Before making a purchase, you should understand the different methods wherein different stones are estimated. Actually, the factors that decide the worth of the separate stone can be the size, flawlessness, color, clarity, and cut. The attributes of the stoner differ, and they can be checked in the same manner as precious stones are checked.

2. Know About Semi-Precious Gemstones:

Semi precious stones wholesale come in numerous colors and characteristics of the rainbow. These can easily be differentiated from the precious gems like emeralds, diamonds, rubies etc. A few semi-precious stones such as amethysts were said to be the precious due to its rare availability. But, recently it has fallen into the category of semi-precious stones due to the easy accessibility of the gem. There are some variety of semi-precious stones that are extremely valuable such as topaz gemstone beads, alexandrite or tanzanite gemstone beads.

3. Color:

The color rating is given according to its saturation, vivacity, and intensity. Bright color in the average range with no cloudiness within it is said to be the gemstone of the supreme quality.

4. Cut:

It always decides the worth of the gemstone. Basically, it not just refers to the form of the gemstone, but also the entire surface area. A gemstone properly cut with relative facets can create better color, light reflection and brilliancy.

5. Carat:

Unit in heaviness in gemology is said to be the carat. 1 carat is equal to .200gm. but, the worth is not always decided according to the stone carat.

6. Clarity:

Normally, it refers to the excellence of the gemstone. Also, it refers to the lack of any marks, blemish or stains on the gemstone.

7. Various types Of Treatment:

Natural Stone Beads are said to be more precious as compared to a gemstone that has been treated for improving its effect or color. Frequently, the methods of treatments affect the stone’s value to a greater extent. Gemstones that are filled up to cover flaws can be of degrade quality. Stone treatment with colors can improve the color and vary it endearingly.

8. The Transparency:

Well, it is rather different from cloudiness. This quality is evaluated in terms of the light dispersed all over the stone. When a gemstone is more translucent, it’s worth tends to improve.

So, now I shared all the various aspects to keep in mind when purchasing the semi-precious stone, hence I hope you will not find it difficult to make a purchase.

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